Why when I drink alcohol I get dizzy – we explain it to you

At parties, you may be drinking a little more alcohol than necessary and feeling a bit dizzy, even the next day, and you don’t know why. We all know what happens when we drink alcohol, which is why some enjoy this activity, but perhaps we may be puzzled by some specific symptoms, such as dizziness or even fainting from alcohol.

If you want to clear up the question “why do I get dizzy when I drink alcohol “, keep reading this article that we have prepared for you.

Why drink alcohol tide

On the one hand, according to recent research, alcohol hinders our body’s ability to constrict blood vessels, which is a natural process that acts especially when someone goes from sitting to standing. However, this should not be confused with having low blood pressure, since in this case dizziness occurs along with a momentary loss of vision when getting up, while with alcohol dizziness causes staggering and slow vision.

On the other hand, alcohol directly affects certain organs, in this case the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the organ in charge of maintaining balance in the body and also coordinating motor and body movements. When this organ is affected by alcohol, vision slows, dizziness and motor movements become uncontrolled.

Why do I get dizzy with little alcohol

Spirits don’t affect everyone in the same way. Some get drunk and dizzy easily and others seem to stay sober for much longer. Each person’s resistance to alcohol depends on certain factors:

  • Age: it is proven that, as one ages, one loses resistance to drinking. This is due to two main reasons; On the one hand, older people tend to have less water in their body, which means that alcohol accumulates in the body with a higher concentration; on the other hand, over time the cells become more sensitive to this type of drink and, thus, the effects of alcohol are felt more quickly.
  • How often alcohol is consumed: If you are drinking alcohol for the first time, you are likely to get drunk earlier than someone who is used to drinking. It really is like this: the more alcohol you drink, the more tolerant your body will become to these spirits. Therefore, if this is the first time you drink, do not be surprised if you get dizzy with little alcohol.
  • Weight: obese or overweight people can handle alcohol better than someone with normal weight, since they have more blood in the body, a larger liver, and therefore alcohol is better processed.
  • Sex: women, in general, tend to get drunk earlier than men due to their smaller size and higher percentage of body fat. Alcohol is not easily diluted in fat, which, in these cases, passes directly into the blood, producing much greater symptoms. In men or people of greater stature, on the other hand, having less fat and being taller, the alcohol will be diluted to a lower concentration, since, somehow, “it is distributed throughout the body”.
  • The type of alcohol ingested: The type of alcohol ingested also affects the drunken seasickness. Wine does not produce the same dizziness as beer, for example. Likewise, mixing different types of alcohol is a very bad option, since the drunkenness that is achieved is greater and, in a sense, worse, so the symptoms of drunkenness are much more serious.

Dizziness the day after drinking alcohol

You may already know why when I drink alcohol I get dizzy, but what if the next day we are still dizzy or dizzy? If the next day we still have dizziness from alcohol, this is mainly due to the hangover. Hangovers are caused mainly by dehydration. This is due to the fact that alcohol eliminates, for 24-48 hours, the ability to re-generate fluids in our body. Therefore, when we drink, we eliminate water from our body through urine and sweat, resulting in a dehydrated body (and brain) the next day.

It is due to this dehydration that the day after consuming alcohol we can continue to feel dizzy, as well as physically exhausted.

What to take for dizziness after drinking alcohol

The best thing is that, both after consuming alcohol and the next day, you drink a lot of water. In this way, you will be storing in your body all the liquid that your body will not be able to manufacture because of alcohol.

HealthUpdated Staffhttp://healthupdated.com
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