Why does my belly button itch?

Do you feel itching and burning in your belly button? It is very common to feel some itching in the navel, both outside and inside. It may be that lack of hygiene, contact with the buttons of your pants or some conditions such as dermatitis cause this situation. In any case, it is essential to detect what is the cause of this itching and that, thus, we can put the best remedy and soothe the itching. Here we will answer your question of “Why does my navel itch?” Giving you a list of the most common causes that can produce these itches in this delicate area of ​​the body.

Why does my belly button itch on the outside

If you want to know why your belly button itches, you have to know that there are various factors that can alter the skin that you have outside and that surrounds this area of ​​the body. Here we are going to analyze the most common causes of itching in the outer area of ​​the navel.

Allergic reaction

Many times, the appearance of redness or itching in the navel is caused by being in contact with some material that is causing us some type of allergy. For example, nickel is the material from which most pants buttons are made, and it is a material that often causes allergies. In fact, people who have an allergy to jewelry tend to have a nickel allergy, so it is common that, if they wear “jeans” with buttons, they cause this irritation.

Contact dermatitis

Another reason why your belly button itches on the outside may be due to a condition known as “contact dermatitis.” The most obvious symptom of this is that the skin becomes irritated and itchy when it comes into contact with some materials that cause this reaction. It should not be confused with an allergy, although the symptoms can be very similar.


It may also be that the reason for the itching in the navel comes from the appearance of an infection in this area of ​​the body. When this happens is when we talk about “omphalitis”, a condition that is very common in both children and adults and usually causes changes such as swelling, bad smell, redness, itching, and so on. It is not a serious infection but it can be somewhat annoying because it can ooze greenish fluid and create an internal scab.

My belly button itches and I’m pregnant, why?

It is also possible that you feel itchy in the navel and that you are pregnant. This is a fairly common situation and it occurs because the woman’s body is undergoing a series of internal changes that can cause alterations. In fact, pregnant women suffer hormonal, immunological, metabolic changes, etc., which can cause estrogen to increase and, therefore, itchiness appears in different parts of the body, including the navel.

Therefore, if you had wondered why the navel itches in pregnancy, you have to know that one of the causes is due to hormonal reasons but another is due to dry skin. In this stage, it is more common for women to suffer from dehydration and, therefore, dry skin can cause the appearance of itching or irritation in sensitive areas such as the navel.

In the case of pregnancy, we must not forget that the skin of the navel is the one that stretches the most when the belly increases, for that reason, it is usually more frequent to feel itching in this area of ​​the body since it is the one that suffers the most from the alteration of the Body.

Tips to avoid itchy belly button in pregnancy:

  • Avoid tight clothing: it is recommended to use fresh cotton fabrics to avoid allergic skin reactions. In addition, you should always wear loose and comfortable clothing to avoid that the body is too tight
  • Avoid very hot water: it is recommended that, during pregnancy, you bathe with warm water because excessively hot water dries out the foot even more
  • Hydrate your skin: you should hydrate your skin to the maximum, especially the belly area. Apply moisturizing cream 2 times a day (morning and night) so that your dermis is perfectly cared for and moisturized
  • Drink 2 liters of water a day: in addition, you should also increase hydration internally, therefore, it is recommended that you try to drink at least 2 liters of water every day since, in this way, you will ensure that your body is perfectly hydrated inside

My belly button itches and smells bad: most common causes

Besides feeling itchy, do you also notice a bad smell? In the event that your belly button smells bad, it is important that you know the causes of this situation, but also the remedies to put an end to it. And there is nothing as uncomfortable as feeling that you give off bad odors from your body.

The most common causes of this condition are:

  • Poor hygiene: it is possible that your belly button smells bad because you do not have good hygiene in this area. We must not forget that the navel is in contact with the guts and, therefore, we must clean it well whenever we go into the shower. Apply soap and water to the area to remove traces of accumulated dirt and thus the bad odors will dissipate immediately.
  • Omphalitis or infection in the navel: and, of course, another cause that the navel smells bad is that you have the infected area. In this case, you should go to the doctor to give you the indicated remedy with which you will eliminate the infection.

How to remove bad smell from the navel

Now that you know why your belly button itches, we are going to give you some of the best solutions that will help you eliminate bad odors. They are natural remedies with which you will be able to recover the hygiene of this area of ​​the body in an effective and fast way.

  • Tea tree oil: this home remedy is perfect for removing dirt and removing bacteria that can cause odor. To do this, you must moisten a cotton pad in this essential oil and apply it to the navel just before sleeping. You will see that, little by little, the bad smells are reduced and your belly button is shown in perfect condition.
  • Lavender oil: it is another of the best options to reduce the bad smell of the navel. Lavender can accelerate the healing of the area and, in addition, aromatize it by preventing it from smelling bad. To do this, you must apply this oil with the help of a cotton ball in the area for 2 times a day.
  • Rosemary infusion: and finally, rosemary is also a perfect medicinal herb to eliminate these bad smells. To do this, you just have to apply a little of this infusion in the navel area and let its properties act naturally.
HealthUpdated Staffhttp://healthupdated.com
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