Why do they puncture my chest?

At some point in our life we ​​have all felt that sensation of a prick that digs into our chest when we are taking in air and that does not allow us to complete our breath. We all wonder what causes it and if there is a significant health problem behind that symptom. That is why we want to give you an answer and tell you why they give me punctures in the chest, in addition to explaining some of the best methods to prevent their appearance and to make them go away.

But first of all, you need to know that, in the vast majority of cases, behind these punctures there is no dangerous condition.

Stitches in the chest when breathing

Some define them as punctures, others speak of small stab wounds, some speak of needles in the lung, the fact is that the vast majority of people have gone through or will go through some episode of this type at some point in our lives, some punctures in the chest that appear suddenly and prevent us from breathing normally.

This means that it is something totally common, however, this does not mean that we should ignore it or not show it any importance. In fact, every time something like this happens to us, we should pay attention to our body to see if there are other signs that can warn us of some danger. When we have punctures in the chest we should follow the following tips:

  1. Sit back comfortably, relax and calm down.
  2. Think that as it has arrived I will leave you, do not be nervous.
  3. Breathe deeply and slowly, take in air through your mouth and out through your nose.
  4. Take your heart rate and see if it sped up.
  5. Identify if you feel pressure in the chest or pain in the jaw and arm.

Stitches in the chest when breathing: anxiety

The anxiety is the main cause of punctures in his chest, in fact, are one of the first symptoms of nervousness and anxiety states. The point is that it is not necessary that you are going through exactly a moment of nervousness, but normally the symptoms of anxiety usually appear in states of rest, in bed or when you are calm. That is why people often do not identify symptom and cause and worry more than necessary.

At some point in our lives we have all noticed pricks when breathing, a strange sensation that makes us not be able to finish breathing or do it deeply. Despite the fact that, as we will explain below, it is something very common and that it rarely poses a risk to our health, it is necessary to pay attention to the signals that our body releases just in case.

Generally, behind the punctures in the chest when breathing are hidden causes of emotional origin. When we are in a state of anxiety or stressed, often, without being aware of it, our body tends to tighten and contract the muscles of our body. This causes different symptoms in our body, such as headache, neck pain, back pain, or the same punctures.

Often times, these punctures do not appear in times of stress, but rather in the moment in which we relax , when we are not submerged in the anxiety bubble, when our body is unblocked and we notice all the weight that it has supported. One problem with this condition is that if the person is going through an anxiety attack, they may take these punctures more seriously than they are, causing their heart rate to accelerate and lead to a panic attack.

When we are stressed or suffer anxiety, our body understands that it is about to face some danger, so it activates different defense mechanisms. By producing cortisol, the body speeds up the heartbeat, constricts the muscles, and speeds up breathing. Something that could be useful in the face of physical danger, but totally inefficient in the modern world.

Stitches in the chest: what to do

To cure the punctures in the chest, we must first treat the anxiety and this is basically achieved through relaxation techniques and abdominal breathing. This method basically tries to make the air fill the lungs by making it go down to the diaphragm. Here are the steps you must follow to relax and eliminate punctures in the chest:

  1. Sit in a place where you are comfortable.
  2. Put one hand on your abdomen, so that the center of your palm is above the navel.
  3. Breathe in slowly through your nose, paying attention to your abdomen rising by raising your hand. The chest should not rise, but the belly.
  4. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
  5. Slowly let the air go through your mouth, with your lips narrowed, and repeat the same process, paying close attention to your breathing.

Stitches in the heart: cardiac causes

In depending on which cases, punctures in the chest can be more complicated, as it may be one of the first symptoms of a heart problem such as a myocardial infarction. That is why we should not ignore them and we must take into account more factors to know if it is necessary to go to the doctor. Generally, up to 50-55 years there are usually no heart problems of this nature, however, we must be clear if we comply with some of the risk factors that can predispose us and what are the other symptoms that accompany a heart attack.

You are in the risk group if you suffer from:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • You have a family history of heart problems

When we notice the punctures in the chest when breathing we must follow the following tips:

  • Calm down and follow the breathing steps that we have explained above.
  • Analyze your heartbeat, especially see if it is going too fast or if it is irregular.
  • Go to the doctor if after 5 minutes you continue with the punctures.
  • See your doctor if you feel pressure in your chest, which can spread to your neck, jaw, and arms.
  • See your doctor if you can’t breathe normally.

Basically, what you have to do is to discern if they are normal punctures at the muscular level or if it is a heart condition. First of all, you have to reassure yourself, since it is most likely that it is something that does not go further, but you must be careful in case it may be due to the second case.

HealthUpdated Staffhttp://healthupdated.com
HealthUpdated.com is a digital platform specializing in health content that aims to provide society with useful & updated information.

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