Why do I get hungry after eating?

When we like something a lot, it is normal for us to eat and it seems that we have no bottom, other days we are constantly hungry and no matter how much we swallow that feeling, it does not go away. If that happens sporadically one day there is no major problem, but when it becomes routine it is a sign that there is something in our body or in our diet that does not work as it should.

We popularly say that we have gluttony or anxiety to eat, but the reality is that we should not minimize it, since nutritional deficiencies can manifest themselves in the form of diseases or bodily imbalances. Do you wonder why I get hungry after eating? Keep reading this article and we will tell you about it in detail.

Feeling hungry all day from eating poorly

For too much fructose

Studies carried out by the University of California have shown that fructose is a substance that can make our brain believe that we need to eat more, being one of the culprits of the continuous feeling of emptiness, even if we finish eating. The reason this happens is because fructose influences the way the body uses leptin. Leptin is the hormone that gives us the feeling of fullness and tells us that we should stop eating, so if the body does not use it properly, that alarm to stop swallowing will never come. In the American case, soft drinks have a lot to blame, since almost all of them use high fructose corn syrup in their manufacture. In the rest of the countries it may have more to do with industrial pastries and other processed foods. With this in mind, stopping eating so many high-fructose foods can be a good way to stop being hungry and needing to eat constantly.

Canned food

But fructose is not the only thing that alters the levels of leptin in our body. The bisofenol A is another element that ingested too much, overloading the production of leptin, causing increased levels of anxiety and eating it much easier than the person suffers from obesity. The fact is that canned products are very rich in bisphenol A, so it is necessary to limit its intake to the minimum possible.

Too many refined carbohydrates

Finally, to finish with the list of products and foods that make you hungry throughout the day, we must talk about refined carbohydrates. Refined flours, as well as other foods such as potatoes, have a very high glycemic index. This causes blood glucose levels to skyrocket when we eat them. The chain reaction that occurs is that, to compensate, the body must release insulin to lower blood sugar levels. These drop suddenly, so the body sends the signal to eat more to stabilize the sugar, closing a vicious circle.

If we want to prevent this from happening, we must refrain from eating sweets, soft drinks, industrial pastries, fried foods or refined sugars, on the other hand, we can opt for legumes or whole wheat flours that require a slow digestion that provides us with glucose for a longer period, avoiding that spikes occur.

Continual hunger for a poor breakfast

Many people, when trying to lose weight, one of the first steps they take is to stop eating, starting with breakfast. Thousands and thousands of times we have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and despite the incessant repetitions it seems that we are still not aware of how this meal affects us. The reality is that if you choose not to eat breakfast, or do it poorly, the effect you will get will be to gain weight.

All the studies that have been done in this regard prove it: having a poor breakfast makes us feel less satiated during the rest of the day, causing us to be hungrier and eat much more throughout the day. In addition to this we must add that our metabolism slows down, causing our body to enter “survival” mode and store all the fats that we eat next.

Hunger after eating: lack of folic acid

Not only does the fact of eating what you should not affect the feeling of hunger, but not eating what you should have a direct effect on satiety -or its absences-.

The folic acid is a vitamin that offers great benefits in the fight against weight gain and depression. The fact is that people who consume adequate levels of this substance lose almost 9 times more kilos than those who do not ingest enough folic acid. But where is the secret? The answer is found in the fact that the foods richest in folic acid are vegetables and green leafy vegetables, products that also provide us with large amounts of fiber and have a very low energy density. The result is that they are foods that satisfy us a lot without adding almost calories.

Another common problem, despite the fact that it is constantly repeated, is the little culture of water that is currently available. There are many people who hardly drink water, when it is an essential element for the proper functioning of our body. Do not wait to be thirsty, thirst is a symptom of dehydration that should never come. If you are still hungry after eating, try drinking a couple of glasses of water and you will notice how you feel more satiated and without so much anxiety to continue eating.

Psychological causes of ongoing hunger

No one will be surprised, but the truth is that studies carried out by a group of Australian researchers have shown that the fact of observing food triggers the desire to eat it. Surely this is reminiscent of our most primitive past, when we did not know when we could eat again. But in a society where food will always be present, going crazy for eating a bag of potatoes every time you see someone eating them can become counterproductive, especially with the constant bombardment of images on television.

The only way to avoid these cravings is to be aware of what they really are: cravings. If you’ve eaten and eaten well, your body is well nourished and doesn’t need you to keep eating. Your mind is wanting to deceive you so you must stay firm and stay away from that food that attracts you.


HealthUpdated Staffhttp://healthupdated.com
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