The feeling of dizziness when lying down is very unpleasant, where it seems that everything revolves around us causing nausea and vomiting while lying down. The desperation to suffer this leads many patients to wonder if they are not suffering from serious diagnosed diseases, that is why they go to specialists with great anguish in the body. But it is not always because of such diseases or major ills, but it has everything an explanation. To find out why you get dizzy when you lie down, keep reading this article, where you can find the answer you are looking for.
Steps to follow:
One .The fact that we get dizzy when we go to bed is called Benign Paroxysmal Postural Vertigo or BPPV and is a disorder of the inner ear. It causes dizziness and nausea with some head movements by detaching particles called otoliths from the labyrinth area, located at the back of the ears. By moving the head when we are lying down, the photoliths move sending false signals to the brain and causing us the sensation that everything is moving around us. This usually occurs over the age of 50.
Two. The most common cause of feeling this vertigo when lying down and that occurs in people under 50 years of age can be an injury or a blow to the head. If not, we have to see if the person suffers from migraine episodes frequently, then.
We can feel this dizziness called BPPV without a specific cause, it just appears. On the other hand, in other cases it may be due to a virus that affects the inner ear, small cerebral infarcts that we have not diagnosed or by Meniere’s disease, which is a disorder of the inner ear that affects balance and hearing.
Occasionally, because it does not always happen, it can appear after surgery, where various factors can be combined, with maintaining the same position for a long time being the most typical.
3. The symptoms of BPPV are those of a feeling of dizziness that lasts up to a minute in duration, with the urge to vomit in some cases, a feeling of imbalance and traffic jam. This feeling is very unpleasant if we have it when we go to bed, because we do not know how to react. Although we can remedy this by gently changing posture, fixing our eyes on a fixed point can help reduce discomfort.
4. To find out why we suffer from this type of vertigo, we must undergo several clinical tests where the entire medical history of the person and the findings obtained in neurological examinations, vesicular and auditory tests will be examined. Once the diagnosis has been found, the remedy for the disappearance of these symptoms is difficult, since the drugs for such effects hardly help to control nausea, but they can help us with certain habituation exercises that our doctor will guide us so that let’s lead a life as normal as possible.
5. Therefore, once we suffer from this balance problem that makes us dizzy when we go to bed, we will have to know how to live with them, performing the exercises and techniques prescribed by specialists and adapting by modifying our daily activities. Some common remedies to cope with it are:
- Use at least two pillows to keep the head high when supporting it when we go to bed.
- Avoid sleeping on one of the affected sides, we will find the position as soon as we know the sensations that each one of them produces.
- Avoid elongating your neck when looking up or down.
- Take care of changes in the position of the head and neck on a day-to-day basis, avoiding sudden changes.