The dizziness is a symptom that there has been a reaction in our body as a result of any changes in it. This reaction can be caused by a poor diet, dehydration, and lack of sleep, among others, and usually disappears after a while. Most of us have suffered from dizziness at some time and we know the unpleasant sensation that it entails: difficulty maintaining stability, keeping our eyes on one point, sweating, etc. The important thing when it comes to dizziness is knowing how to react, and even more so in the case that we are alone. Whether you are prone to suffering from this symptom or if you have suffered it from time to time, we explain what to eat if you are dizzy, so that the discomfort disappears as soon as possible.
Causes of dizziness
It is important to be aware that although dizziness is not serious in nature, feeling this symptom on a regular basis can mean a health problem that requires medical attention. As a consequence, assess whether you feel dizzy from time to time, or on the contrary, you tend to get dizzy easily.
Drinking little water during the day can mean that our body is not sufficiently hydrated, which is why it is weaker. If we add to this the efforts we make throughout the day, dizziness can appear easily. Our body needs water to perform many of its functions, so staying hydrated is essential.
Hypoglycemia occurs as a result of a sudden drop in blood sugar, which can cause dizziness and, very often, fainting. Other symptoms that occur in this situation are sweating, trembling and nausea, and although it is more common for people with diabetes to suffer from it, anyone can suffer from it.
Hypo tension
In this case, dizziness responds to a drop in blood pressure. There are people who suffer from chronic blood pressure, while others can experience it spontaneously at a specific moment.
Anxiety and stress
Anxiety and stress influence our breathing, making the frequency with which we take in air faster, which can cause hyperventilation. This situation implies a low production of carbon dioxide in the blood that leads to dizziness and other symptoms such as palpitations.
By movement
It is one of the most common, and it occurs in situations in which different parts of the body that control balance are disturbed. It is common when we travel by car, plane or other transport or when we expose our leather to sudden movements, as in the case of theme park attractions.
The ginger is well known for its benefits to treat health problems. The properties of this plant have gained popularity, mainly for its benefits for the digestive system. In the case of being dizzy, boiling a little water with chopped ginger root will help to block the receptors for serotonin , the substance responsible for nausea and will stimulate the blood flow of our digestive system. We can also make ourselves with powdered ginger in order to incorporate it into food or in capsules as a food supplement. For all this, ginger is one of the main natural products to consider if we are thinking about what to eat when we are dizzy.
As we explained in the section on the causes of dizziness, one of the possibilities for this annoying symptom is due to a sudden drop in sugar levels. Known as hypoglycemia, this alteration can be counteracted by eating a food rich in sugar to try to counteract the lack of glucose in our body. Therefore, eating a little chocolate when we are dizzy can be one of the first foods to eat if we are dizzy.
Cayenne pepper
The cayenne pepper has properties which improves the circulatory system, stimulating blood flow. Consuming this spice when we are not feeling dizzy helps to irrigate and increase circulation and alleviate the discomfort of dizziness by getting more oxygen to the brain. We just have to boil a little water and add a little cayenne pepper. Afterwards, we drink the content in small sips.
The cranberries are rich in Gallic acid and hydrocortisone anti emetic and astringent properties, as well as antispasmodic properties, so it is excellent for incorporation into the list of foods to eat if you’re seasick. At the same time, we will be able to increase blood circulation, strengthen the arteries and avoid blood clots. To benefit from its effects, we can choose to consume blueberry juice or eat a few fruits.
Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar regulates blood sugar levels that can cause dizziness, in addition to regulating blood pressure, which can also be behind dizziness. At the same time, it will provide us with energy, minerals and vitamins that will help us feel better and alleviate the discomfort characteristic of dizziness. We should take a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar when we feel dizzy without abusing its consumption, since an excess could reduce the levels of iodine in the body.
Eating tips for dizziness
It is important that we eat an adequate diet so that our body can perform its functions correctly. Therefore, it is interesting to adopt a routine in which eating is part of good habits:
- Breakfast. Breakfast should be the most complete meal of the day to provide our body with the necessary energy. An insufficient breakfast can make us suffer from dizziness during the day due to lack of nutrients and vitamins.
- Eat between meals. We must avoid spending hours without eating between meals. The best option is to carry a snack, such as energy bars, a sandwich or something similar. In this way we will ensure that our body does not lack vitality to carry out our daily tasks.
- Liquids. Drinking water is essential to avoid dehydration sickness and facilitate the daily functions that our body performs. We can drink water and other liquids such as juice, and we must bear in mind that stimulating drinks such as coffee cause dehydration.