What does it mean to have pain in the right arm?

Experiencing pain in the arm when doing any movement or carrying out a physical activity is something that perhaps we have all suffered at some time. In the arms, we find a large number of muscles, tendons, joints, bones and other connective tissues that can be injured, either due to overuse, overuse, falls, blows, accidents, etc. When the discomfort we feel is located in a single arm, such as the right, it is normal for us to ask ourselves what it means to have pain in the right arm and the answer can be found in muscle, joint, bone injuries, nerve problems, and heart problems, among others. Keep reading this article to find out what the possible causes of right arm pain may be.

Pain in the right arm due to injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments

In the arms, we find a large number of muscles, tendons and ligaments, in which a series of alterations and injuries can occur, either due to overload, when performing physical activity, after an accident or fall, etc. The most frequent injuries of this type that can cause pain in the right arm, which can even go from the shoulder to the elbow, are those that we list below:

  • Tendinitis:is the inflammation of a tendon that generally occurs due to muscle overuse or injury. In the case of the arm, it usually occurs most often in the elbow, shoulder and wrist. Its main symptoms are pain and tenderness in the affected area and the intensification of this pain at night or when performing any movement.
  • Bursitis:inflammation of the bursa, which is a small fluid-filled sac that acts as a kind of cushion between the bones and the muscles, tendons, or skin. Normally, this inflammation is the result of repetitive movements of a joint or an injury and is manifested especially in the elbows and wrists. Its symptoms are pain, swelling, redness, and stiffness in the affected joint.
  • Epicondylitis: better known as tennis elbow, it is a type of tendinitis that affects the tendons that connect the muscles of the forearm with the outside of the elbow. It is usually the cause of excessive use of the muscles and tendons in the area and causes pain, burning and tenderness in the outer area of ​​the elbow and more intense pain when performing actions with the hand or forearm.
  • Epitrocleitis: known as golfer’s elbow is another type of tendinitis that can occur in the arm. In this case, the epitrochlea, which is the common nucleus of the muscle group responsible for flexing the wrist, fingers, and forearm probation, becomes inflamed. It is usually the result of an overuse or overload of the area, trauma and blows. Its main symptom is pain in the inner part of the elbow, tenderness, reduced strength of the hand closure, a feeling of numbness in the inner part of the arm and forearm.
  • Sprains: these are injuries to the ligaments around a joint, it can occur in the wrist, elbow or shoulder. Affected ligaments are stretched or torn and symptoms such as pain, swelling, bruising, limited use of the joint, cramps, and muscle spasms occur.

Right arm pain from bone injuries

Here are the bone injuries that can cause pain in the right arm:

  • Fractures: This happens when a bone in the arm breaks completely or partially. It can be the result of direct blows to the arm, accidents, falls, osteoporosis, etc. They can be very painful and cause severe arm and shoulder pain, swelling, inability to move the arm, abnormal arm position, and arm numbness.
  • Dislocations –Occurs when a bone dislodges from your joint. Some of the most affected joints are the shoulder and elbow and causes symptoms such as pain, deformity, inflammation and inability to move the joint.
  • Osteoarthritis: It is the most common form of arthritis and occurs when the cartilage that protects the bones of the joints wears and breaks. This causes symptoms such as pain, swelling and stiffness of the joint that is affected. Among its main causes are heredity, being overweight, muscle weakness, joint injury or overuse, and aging.

Right arm pain from heart attack

Can pain in the right arm be a symptom of a heart attack? Although one of the symptoms that can alert us to suffering from a myocardial infarction is pain and numbness in the left arm, in some cases, these symptoms can also be experienced in the right arm. In addition to this, it is advisable to be attentive to the sudden appearance of symptoms such as severe pain in the chest, general malaise, dizziness, and nausea and sweating. The pain can radiate to other parts of the body such as the jaw, arms, neck, and back.

A heart attack occurs when there is an obstruction or narrowing of a coronary artery, so that oxygen does not reach the myocardium and this, by not being able to produce energy to move, causes the death of tissue cells. Among the main risk factors that increase the chances of suffering a heart attack are hypertension, smoking, obesity, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle and advanced age. In the case of presenting some of the symptoms described above, it is essential to call the emergency room as quickly as possible, since it is necessary to receive immediate medical attention for a favorable prognosis.

Pain in the right arm and hand due to carpal tunnel syndrome

Another condition that can answer the question of what it means to have pain in the right arm is carpal tunnel syndrome. It occurs when there is excessive pressure on the median nerve in the wrist, which provides sensitivity and allows movement to other parts of the hand. This syndrome is common in people who make repetitive and continuous movements with the hand and wrist, such as typing on the computer, using the mouse, playing musical instruments, playing sports, etc. Other factors that can increase the chances of developing it are fractures, arthritis, obesity, fluid retention, infections, etc.

In addition to pain in the hand or wrist that can extend to the elbow, other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Numbness or tingling in the fingers or palm of the hand.
  • Clumsiness when picking up or grasping objects with the hand.
  • Coordination problems in one or both hands.
  • Weakness in the hands.
  • In advanced cases, atrophy of the muscle located under the thumb.

Right arm pain from fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized by suffering from generalized musculoskeletal pain that manifests itself in different parts of the body, and the arms, either the right or the left, and the shoulders can also be affected. It is a pain that patients describe as burning, throbbing, tender and stiff; it varies depending on the time of day, weather, activity, stress, etc. Other symptoms that people with fibromyalgia may present are:

  • Headache
  • Muscular stiffness.
  • Numbness of hands and feet.
  • Memory problems.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.
HealthUpdated Staffhttp://healthupdated.com
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