What are the symptoms of jet lag?

We mean by jet lag discomfort or disorder that occurs after a plane ride which is a significant time change. This disorder, also known as time zone syndrome, is due to a compensation in the person’s internal clock – or circadian rhythms – that causes an alteration in the sleep and wake cycles . It also has other consequences that may be more or less aggravated in each particular case. If you want to know more about what are the symptoms of jet lag, we explain it in more detail.

Steps to follow:

One. First of all, it is worth noting the fact that not all people are affected by jet lag in the same way and, therefore, the symptoms together with their intensity and duration can vary from one to another. Likewise, it should be noted that if the trip is made from north to south without changing the time region, jet lag will not occur, but it will occur on flights from East to West or in the opposite direction.

Two. Thus, age, sex, physical condition, the fact fly frequently and especially the number of time zones we move may affect the consequences of jet lag after a transatlantic flight.

Specifically, women tend to be more prone to jet lag, as well as symptoms increase after age 50 and in people who make this type of travel regularly.

3. Thus, sleep disturbance or disorder is one of the main symptoms of jet lag, due to the change in time zone generated by traveling from East to West or in the opposite direction. In addition to the difficulty in falling asleep, it is common that after these types of flights it is not easy to sleep well and the person wakes up frequently during the night or very early in the morning.

4. As a result of the above, the jet lag causes fatigue and fatigue both physical and psychological. For this reason, it is common for the person to feel difficulties developing their daily activities, as well as when concentrating, mainly due to lack of rest. Irritability and sudden mood swings after these types of trips can also be common and caused by the same reason.

5. In some cases, digestive disorders also occur as a result of jet lag: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach, etc. The main cause of this type of ailments is usually the fact of eating food at a time that the body is not used to, as well as the change in diet can also influence.

HealthUpdated Staffhttp://healthupdated.com
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