How to treat typhoid fever

Abdominal tenderness, red spots on the chest and abdomen, bloody stools, weakness, agitation, chills, and nasal bleeding are some of the symptoms of typhoid fever. This infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, is transmitted through contaminated food and drinks. This bacteria travels through the intestine to the bloodstream and from there it spreads to the lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and other parts of the body. Blood tests will be performed to confirm that this bacteria is present in your body. We explain how to treat typhoid fever.

Steps to follow:

One. The first step to treat typhoid fever is to provide antibiotics to destroy the bacteria, these must be administered under medical supervision, try to be rigorous with the doses and maintain the treatment for as long as the doctor prescribes.

Two. Drinking fluids is essential because it helps prevent dehydration caused by fever and diarrhea. It can be administered orally and alternated with electrolytes intravenously. Prepare an infusion of cloves as a natural remedy to treat typhoid fever, put four or five cloves in boiling water, leave them on the fire until the water is reduced a little, let it cool a little and drink it every day.

3. Due to the discomfort caused by typhoid fever, it is common that our diet is not the most adequate, but it is necessary to consume healthy food, in small portions and frequently to alleviate the disorders of the digestive tract, foods such as cream of rice are recommended, since they provide important nutrients and help our stomach. Another of the home remedies to treat typhoid fever is to drink a glass of hot water with honey, it not only provides energy but also helps our digestive system.

4. There may be possible complications such as intestinal perforations and bleeding, peritonitis, or kidney failure. Visit your doctor if you have any of the symptoms described above so that you can treat it in time.

As with some infections, preventive measures will always be an important point to avoid infections. Get the appropriate vaccinations before going on trips to places where there may be endemic outbreaks, drink filtered water and eat food that is cooked correctly, avoid eating raw fish and shellfish and dairy products that are not pasteurized, wash your hands before eating and wash fruits before eating them.

5. In general, the symptoms will improve from the second week after starting the treatment, if there is a relapse it is because the infection has not been completely cured, consult your doctor as there may be a change in the antibiotic. It is recommended that even if you feel better, you continue the treatment during the indicated days.

HealthUpdated Staff is a digital platform specializing in health content that aims to provide society with useful & updated information.

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