How to prevent motion sickness on roller coasters

A nice day at an amusement or theme park can turn into a very unpleasant day if you are prone to motion sickness. Motion sickness occurs when you have nausea due to movement in a repeated circular direction or up and down. The most popular attractions in the park, such as roller coasters, have the ability to cause these types of symptoms. It is imperative that you take the proper precautions before and during your trip if you are going to participate in activities that induce motion sickness.

Steps to follow:

One. Eat in moderation. Try to avoid foods that are fatty, spicy, and high in sugar. Instead, opt for a small, low-fat meal at least an hour before the roller coaster ride.

Two. Drink small sips of water throughout the day. It is important to stay well hydrated, and to aid in digestion.

3. Focus your mind and stay calm. Anxiety will make you feel worse, as it produces bad effects like motion sickness.

4. Take ginger capsules, eat ginger candy, or enjoy ginger ale drinks. Ginger is a root that has been shown to help treat or prevent nausea and vomiting.

5. On the roller coaster, sit in the car in front. Sitting in the front seat allows you to focus on what is in front of you. This prepares you for any sudden change in direction, and in this way you can coordinate your movements with that of the roller coaster.

6. Avoid riding a roller coaster that is moving in a backward direction. Going backwards leads subjects to be unable to predict any change in direction. Objects that are passed at high speed in reverse also tend to make you nauseous.

7. Try alternative remedies. Acupressure wristbands relieve motion sickness by putting pressure on certain points on the wrist, which are associated with nausea. These bracelets can be purchased online or in retail stores and pharmacies

8. Talk to your GP about medicating your dizziness.

9. Get enough sleep the night before. The symptoms of dizziness are increased by tiredness.


  • Medications that prevent motion sickness can also cause drowsiness. Beware of any machinery or vehicle operation under the influence of motion sickness medication.


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