Fever is not a disease but rather a symptom that, by increasing the temperature, indicates that our body is fighting against some health problem or pathology so that it can recover as soon as possible and that our situation does not worsen. Raising the temperature means that many microorganisms that cause ailments cannot survive, so it is a natural defense mechanism of our body. But, we can’t let this fever get out of control.
For this reason, we must know what is good for fever depending on where we are in the process. For this reason, we want to help you know how to lower the tenths of fever or low-grade fever, since in this case it is not yet necessary to go quickly to a doctor, but we can do several things at home to relieve ourselves and avoid getting worse.
What is a low-grade fever?
Low-grade fever occurs when our body raises the temperature very little to combat a health problem. Thus, it is a defense mechanism of our body, so it is considered a symptom that tells us that something is happening in our body and it is usual that from there other symptoms related to the condition that we have appear. But, it is vital that we know well when it is not necessary to worry and when we should be alarmed in order to act quickly.
Thus, so that you know when a fever is considered mild or tenths, moderate or high, we indicate below the temperature ranges that occur in each case:
- Below 36ºC: it is considered low temperature.
- Between 36.6-36.9ºC: it is the normal state of our body.
- Between 37-38ºC: it is about tenths or low-grade fever.
- Between 38-39ºC: there is a fever but it is moderate.
- From 39ºC to 40ºC: the fever is high.
- 41ºC or more: the temperature is too high.
Therefore, we should be alarmed if the temperature reaches 40 degrees or more, if more symptoms appear, if there are seizures or if you have a fever for several days.
Causes of fever tenths
Likewise, it is good to know what are the main causes of low-grade fever and even the highest fever:
- Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
- Inflammatory diseases
- Too much exposure to a heat source
- Physical and mental exhaustion
- Stress and anxiety
- Some medications
Thus, if you think that you only have a few tenths and you wonder how to lower the tenths of a fever, you can start by using some home remedies before reaching the use of medications. Pay attention to the tips that we detail below to reduce fever easily at home.
Lukewarm bath
When our body has this reaction to a possible microorganism or situation that is harmful to our health, one of the best things we can do is take a bath with warm water, never hot or cold. If we bathe in water that is too hot we will cause the low-grade fever to increase even more and if we do it with cold water, what will happen is that the temperature will drop too quickly and as soon as a while passes it will rise more and more quickly. Thus, with warm water we will be able to reduce the fever at an adequate rate and we will be able to relax better, a fact that will contribute to our well-being and recovery.
Drink a lot
One of the effects that this symptomatic condition has on our body is that it dehydrates us. How to drink water is important even if we are in good health, in case of suffering from any condition it is even more so. For this reason it is advisable that every little while you drink water or isotonic drinks , with mineral salts that will help you recover, as well as infusions and broths , but never drink them very hot but it is better that they are warm. You shouldn’t drink a lot at once, but take a small sip every few minutes to stay properly hydrated.
Damp cloths
One of the most common solutions when we have this condition is to refresh the areas most affected by heat, thus helping our body to regulate itself more easily.
To do it well you must moisten some cloths or towels in fresh water and drain them. In addition, sometimes it is good to add vinegar or some medicinal herb that serves to reduce inflammation and / or that is antipyretic. Place them in areas that get very hot when we suffer from these symptoms: the forehead, the wrists, the neck, the ankles, the feet, the curvature of the knees, etc.
Also, we advise you to place them in two areas at the same time to increase the cooling effect, but do not place more than two towels or cloths since doing so can cause the temperature to drop too quickly.
Light clothing
When we have a low-grade fever, it is normal to feel chills or have a feeling of being cold and that we want to cover ourselves up with something warm. But this is a mistake, since we will only be helping to raise the tenths faster and in more quantity.
Thus, it is best that we dress in light and breathable clothing; although at most, we can throw on a light blanket or a large scarf. If you also make sure that the room you are in has a medium temperature, neither too cold nor too hot, in this way you will be able to help your body instead of worsening your condition.
Eat less
Another thing you should do if you have a low-grade fever is not to eat too much, think that heavy or difficult digestions will make your body more difficult to fight since it will have to focus too much on the digestive problem. In addition, when we get full, our temperature rises, which is counterproductive for our situation.
Therefore, it is best to eat something light like broths, purees, a little boiled rice or some fruit. The important thing is to facilitate digestion while we benefit from vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for our body to improve.
Sleep a lot
Undoubtedly, the best for fever in adults and children is rest and sleep as long as possible, especially if it is only a few tenths. In fact, the ideal is to sleep and rest as much as our body requests and, in this way, we will surely help our body to combat the problem and reduce the temperature in a simpler and more effective way.
Medicinal plants
There are also some natural remedies to lower the temperature such as, for example, the use of medicinal plants, a very common and effective practice especially when it comes to low-grade fever. Some of the medicinal herbs that will help you in this case are:
- Chamomile
- Echinacea
- Ginger
- Verbena
- Elderflower
- Linden
- Thyme
- Milk thistle
- Laurel
- Black currant
These plants can be taken as an infusion or they can be added as an infusion to bath water or damp cloths. Also, you can use some homeopathy products, always in doses recommended by a specialist, such as aconite, belladonna and eupatorium perfoliatum.
Supplements and medications
Another option to cure tenths is to take specific supplements for this condition such as the following:
- Trace element copper
- Trace mineral bismuth
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Vitamin complexes
- Propolis
- Reishi
The antipathetic drugs are not necessary if you have fever, but when it begins to rise we must turn to the doctor and begin treatment with antipathetic medication.