How mold affects health

Mold is a fungus of which there are several types and that can grow inside the home if it has the right humidity conditions to develop. Its existence and reproduction are not only a problem for us by bothering us both because of the smell and because it is something unsightly, but mold can be harmful to our health, since it releases toxic substances for our body.

We explain how mold affects health so that you can take the appropriate measures to eliminate this uncomfortable visitor that not only alters our well-being, but also deteriorates the objects found in our house.

Signs of mold in the home

Mold can be the cause of health conditions ranging from allergic symptoms to severe lung or neuronal problems. That is why it is important to identify the signs of the existence of mold within our spaces:

  • Smell of humidity: it can be the indication of some water leakage and, in addition, of a growth of mold.
  • Allergic symptoms:runny nose, eye irritation, sneezing, breathing problems.
  • Stains on walls or surfaces of the house:The formation of white, brown or black patches or spots can be signs of the formation of fungus. Although it can be difficult, there are a number of ways to remove mold from walls, such as using bleach.

Conditions for mold to grow

Some of the conditions mold needs to grow and reproduce include the following:

  • Darkness
  • A food source such as textiles or wood
  • Oxygen
  • Hot
  • Humidity
  • A minimum time of 24 to 48 hours to grow

The lack of maintenance of interior spaces, water leaks, lack of ventilation and the existence of deteriorated objects inside the house can be the breeding ground for fungi. In any case, mold affects health, so it is imperative to maintain appropriate hygienic and ventilation conditions to prevent its reproduction.

Most common mold varieties in the home

There are 5 varieties of mold that grow indoors most often:

  • Alternaria –is a type of fungus that grows in very humid spaces, such as leaking pipes, damp carpets or textiles, or showers. People with depressed immune systems are more susceptible to the effects caused by this fungus.
  • Cladosporium: grows on wooden and textile surfaces and can enter the house through air conditioning systems.
  • Aspergillus: thrives in hot, humid climates, as well as in dusty spaces.
  • Penicillinum Deteriorated textiles (old cushions, fabrics, curtains or mattresses) and old wallpaper are some of their favorite spaces to reproduce.
  • Stachybotrys: Also known as “black mold”, it is one of the less common fungi, but it is one of the most toxic. It is usually found in objects made of cellulose.

How Aspergillus Mold Affects Health

Most people inhale Aspergillus spores without health consequences, but when the number of spores of the fungus is higher than usual or they are inhaled by people with a weakened immune system they can cause pulmonary Aspergillosis. It is an allergic reaction to mold that occurs in those who have had lung problems before. In the most severe cases it can cause coughing up blood and skin ulcers and even infect other organs of the body.

How Black Mold Affects Health

Black mold or Stachybotrys is especially dangerous as it produces toxic substances that cause brain damage, manifested by tremors, emotional changes, memory loss, hallucinations, seizures, dizziness, loss of concentration and depression, to name just a few important symptoms. . In the respiratory system, its symptoms may reveal themselves through wheezing, coughing, nose, lung or gum bleeding, a sore throat, or a burning sensation in the mouth. While in the circulatory system, black mold can cause arrhythmia, internal bleeding, low blood pressure, or inflammation of the heart.

There are also some studies that try to link black mold inhalation with the development of cancer, but nothing conclusive is yet. Most symptoms can improve and even disappear just by avoiding contact with the fungus, however, depending on the severity of the case, there may be permanent damage. This fungus affects health quite aggressively, so it is important to identify and eliminate it.

Other health conditions caused by mold

Mold harms our health through other conditions as well. Some of these other health problems that mold causes are:

  • A topic dermatitis:although mold is not responsible for this type of dermatitis, people who suffer from it can exacerbate the disorder due to the presence of fungi in the home. Its symptoms include dry or red skin, blisters, or changes in skin color.
  • Allergic rhinitis:also known as hay fever, it is characterized by the presence of sneezing, eye irritation or itching in the nose, skin or throat.

In addition to the aforementioned, allergic symptoms, asthmatic episodes, respiratory infections, nail fungus or fatigue may also occur. If the symptoms are worse when being in the house or office, or improve when leaving them, it is very likely that it is discomfort caused by the effect of mold, so it is imperative to seek medical help.

How to prevent mold growth

To prevent the growth of mold and its reproduction, you can do a few things related to the maintenance and hygiene of the home or workplaces:

  • Avoid the accumulation of objects in the home or office.
  • Ventilate spaces adequately.
  • Use air conditioners and dehumidifiers.
  • Avoid having wet clothes inside the house.
  • Regularly clean textile, wood or wallpaper surfaces, as well as insulating materials.
  • Check organic foods to make sure they are fungus free.
HealthUpdated Staff is a digital platform specializing in health content that aims to provide society with useful & updated information.

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