Contrary to what we imagine, fever is not our enemy. In fact, having a fever means that our body is actively working to expel a virus that is attacking us; therefore, having a fever means having a strong enough health to fight disease.
However, the symptoms of fever prevent us from carrying out our routine normally. For this reason, we provide you with home remedies to lower fever in a natural way and without using drugs.
Natural infusions to lower fever
There are different home remedies to lower fever by mixing water with some natural ingredients such as sunflower, orange or chamomile. Take note of the best infusions that will help you lower the temperature.
- A sunflower infusion. One of the properties of this plant is to help lower body temperature, so you should use the dried petals of the sunflower flower to make an infusion with them. Add a little honey or sugar to sweeten the flavor.
- An infusion of thyme and chamomile. Thyme has antiseptic properties and chamomile helps reduce inflammation; therefore, if you have a fever, you should mix both ingredients in boiling water and drink the infusion several times a day.
- Infusion of orange peel. The great vitamin contribution of the orange is a perfect ally to fight against fever, therefore, you can make a simple infusion by mixing the boiled orange peels with a cup of water.
Moisten your body
Another of the home remedies to lower fever is by using wet clothing on the skin. Fever is characterized by a high rise in body temperature, so if you place wet towels on the forehead or neck, as well as wet socks, you will help stabilize the body temperature and lower the fever.
Onions and potatoes to lower fever
Both potato and onion are used as home remedies to lower fever due to their anti-inflammatory properties. You just have to cut one of the two ingredients into small slices and place them on the soles of the feet; to achieve greater support you can put on some socks.
A cold water bath
Another trick to lower a fever is to bathe in cold water to lower body temperature. You must bear in mind that if you are going to carry out this home remedy, you must control the temperature of the water with which you will bathe since it is recommended that it be at 37ºC.
The average temperature of an adult person oscillates between 35 and 37ºC; any temperature higher or lower than this is considered hypothermia or fever.
In the event that the temperature of an adult exceeds 40.5ºC it is advisable to go to a specialist doctor; in the case of children, the critical temperature oscillates between 39.5ºC.