The sore throat is a very common disease that can be associated with colds, flu, allergy, breathing smoke, pollution, dry air, in addition to other conditions, and it is very annoying for the sufferer. It can appear accompanied by continuous pain and discomfort, cough and hoarseness, and although in many cases it is a mild symptom that will disappear spontaneously after a few days, it is advisable to be attentive to other symptoms such as fever or complications to breathe normally, and consult the doctor in this case. In the following article we show you some of the most effective home remedies for sore throat to speed up the healing of this condition.
Steps to follow:
One. A sore throat can be caused by several factors, from common colds or flu to other types of bacterial or viral infections, inhalation of smoke, smoking, having gastric reflex, breathing through the mouth, etc. Based on the causative factor, one treatment or another will be established, but in many cases it is a mild ailment that with the natural remedies that we show below can be successfully alleviated.
It will be essential to see a doctor if other symptoms occur such as fever, breathing difficulties, swollen lymph nodes, skin rashes, etc.
Two. When the throat is irritated, one of the main recommendations to keep in mind is to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other healthy fluids. This is essential to moisten the mucous membranes and prevent the tissues from becoming more dry and irritated. For this reason, it is advisable to increase your water consumption during the day and opt for hot drinks, such as those that we will show throughout this article, which, taken in small sips, are an excellent alternative to relieve discomfort.
In addition to this, an excellent home remedy to reduce throat irritation and inflammation is to gargle with warm water and salt 2 or 3 times a day. To do this, you just have to add 1/2 tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with this preparation for half a minute.
3. Being a great natural antiseptic, honey is one of the best ingredients to fight throat conditions, as it works by fighting those microbes that can cause infections. And not only this, it also favors the elimination of coughs and combats the general discomfort that may be experienced.
In this case, we recommend the preparation of a honey tea with lemon, as the vitamin C it contains is also excellent to recharge your batteries and energy. To make it, you must add 2 tablespoons of honey in a cup of hot water and a small tablespoon of natural lemon juice. Stir all the ingredients well and take small sips to notice the improvement. The easiest option would be to buy syrup of honey and plants, since you would achieve the same effect with two tablespoons a day.
4. We can also use some medicinal plants to deal with sore throats and irritation, such as thyme. It is a therapeutic herb with many medicinal properties, among which it stands out for being antiseptic and, therefore, reducing the discomfort felt when the throat is irritated. Prepare an infusion by adding 1 tablespoon of dried thyme leaves to a cup of boiling water, strain the liquid and gargle with the preparation. If you prefer, you can take it as an infusion by adding a little lemon and lemon juice.
5. In case you did not know, ginger is a root widely used to combat the main symptoms of the cold, including throat irritation and inflammation. Whether this ailment is caused by a common cold, aphonia, pharyngitis, etc., ginger is a good ally to reduce it. To alleviate the discomfort, it is best to prepare an infusion of ginger, adding some peeled slices of this in a saucepan with water, wait for it to boil and let it rest for about 5 minutes. Then, you will have to strain the liquid obtained and to improve its flavor, you can add a little honey and lemon juice to the infusion. Drink 2 cups a day and you will see how you notice the results.
6. The apple cider vinegar has become a very popular product in the field of natural medicine, and its amazing benefits that make it ideal for treating many ailments and conditions. It reduces the pH of the tissues, favors the elimination of bacteria and reduces phlegm, making it suitable for reducing sore throats and irritations. To use it, you only need to mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 of warm water, stir and gargle with this preparation about 3 times a day.
7. In addition to the natural remedies for irritated throat mentioned, it will be important that you take into account recommendations such as the following if you want to recover as soon as possible and get rid of this discomfort. Take note!
- Take hot water baths to unblock the airways and reduce discomfort.
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature and protect yourself well from the cold, especially the neck area.
- Use air humidifiers at home to prevent the throat from becoming excessively dry.
- You suck on analgesic candies indicated for sore throats, which are sold in pharmacies.
- Avoid smoking or inhaling tobacco smoke frequently.
- Breathe properly through the nose, avoiding doing so through the mouth.
- Avoid yelling or talking too loud.
- Take care of your diet, increasing the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, which is ideal for strengthening the immune system and increasing defenses.