Consequences of pollution on health

No one doubts that the pollution rates in large cities and major urban centers are increasingly higher, which has a significant impact on our body, and especially on the elderly and people with heart disease and respiratory.

Pollution in health

The situation has become so alarming that experts have even recommended avoiding going for a walk or taking a bike ride on days with very high temperatures, with little wind and lots of sun, especially in cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, ​​and especially in areas where traffic density is higher. In the opinion of experts, environmental pollution is associated with an increase in mortality worldwide, and mainly in large cities.

If we look at the figures and statistics, we come to the conclusion that the situation is as serious as the expert’s claim, since within our borders the number of deaths as a result of pollution reaches 16,000. Furthermore, it is believed that if in capitals such as Madrid and Barcelona the pollution indices were to decrease slightly, the number of hospital admissions and deaths would be reduced in a very notable and significant way.

Obviously, there is a sector of the population that is more vulnerable to suffer the consequences of this environmental pollution, that is, the elderly and those who suffer from respiratory and heart diseases , and of course the very young. However, there is another type of pollution that is not mentioned that often, but that also exists, and in fact has a very negative impact on humans, and that is noise pollution. Excess noise causes stress, overwhelm and general discomfort, greatly affecting our mental health and our state of mind.

HealthUpdated Staff is a digital platform specializing in health content that aims to provide society with useful & updated information.

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