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How to use a digital thermometer

Fever is a common symptom that occurs in various diseases such as infections, flu, colds, due to the...

How to reduce fever with vinegar – very effective tips

Fever is usually a negative symptom, since it can indicate different diseases, mainly those that are caused...

How to tell if you have a fever without a thermometer

Headache, general fatigue, malaise ... All of these can be symptoms that you have a fever, that...

How to overcome the fear of heights in a simple way

Phobias, depending on the intensity with which they occur, can be a significant impediment in a person's life,...

How to prevent motion sickness on roller coasters

A nice day at an amusement or theme park can turn into a very unpleasant day if...

How to lower a fever quickly

The fever is a reaction of the organism to a threat which is usually an infection caused by bacteria...

How to lower fever in children

Due to increased exposure to viruses and bacteria and a weaker immune system, children often contract various illnesses...

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