If it is winter or summer, with gloves or without, your hands are always frozen, surely on some occasion you have wondered why it is. This is a condition that can happen to anyone since there are people who do not tolerate the cold as well as others, but when it is permanent or experiences a sensitivity to cold that is too intense, it may be an indicator of some problem of health of lesser or greater severity. Find out in the following article the answer to why my hands are always cold and clear your doubts.
Steps to follow:
One. One condition that can cause cold hands is poor blood flow. When the arteries contract, for whatever reason, blood flow is reduced, circulation is blocked and, therefore, an adequate blood supply is not made to certain parts of the body, such as the hands or the feet.
Two. Related to the previous condition, we find the so-called Raynaud’s Syndrome, which is a mild condition that precisely causes insufficient blood flow to reach the upper or lower extremities, causing them to feel cold. This is due to a narrowing of the blood vessels, either due to being subjected to very low temperatures or due to significant emotional stress. However, cold hands is not the only symptom of this syndrome, since changes in skin color also occur, the sense of touch is blocked and a tingling sensation appears when blood circulation begins to improve.
3. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you should know that this disease can also cause a greater sensitivity to cold, especially in areas such as the hands and feet. Likewise, it is important to take into account that the symptoms of hypothyroidism are not always the same in all patients, since they vary depending on each case. The thyroid gland by producing less thyroid hormone than normal, leads to a slowdown in metabolism which normally leads patients suffering from hypothyroidism to considerable weight gain, so if you suffer from this disease it will be essential to see a doctor to inform you about the treatment and the most appropriate lifestyle habits for you.
4. The underweight people, especially women very thin, are more likely to always have cold hands, because having a lower body fat, not always and in all conditions can keep warm.
5. Always having cold hands can also be a symptom of a deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins in the daily diet. This is especially observed in those who suffer from anemia, which can be caused by a lack of iron in the diet, and is that in the most advanced cases of this condition, among other symptoms, a constant cold in the hands and feet is experienced. .