Many times our body has symptoms or signs that make us ask questions that always end up unanswered. One of these questions is why the arm falls asleep, a sensation that most will have experienced in different parts of the body. It is a condition that can occur easily and does not initially cause us undue concern. When it occurs sporadically, it does not usually mean there is a serious problem; however, when the tingling in the arm appears chronically, it can alert of something more serious. In this article we find out why your arm falls asleep.
The tingling sensation in the arm or other limb of the body is known as parenthesis. This condition manifests itself with the temporary or chronic numbness of a part of the body caused by pressure on the arteries responsible for supplying oxygen to the nerves. Parenthesis can manifest in any part of the body, being more common in the arms, legs, hands and feet. Also, it is also known as loss of sensation, tingling sensation, numbness and burning, among others.
The most common cause
If you are wondering why your arms fall asleep, the answer is usually the same in most cases. The sensation of numbness in any of the extremities is the result of pressure in the arteries that hinders the arrival of blood and oxygen that prevents the emission of impulses. Most of the times this happens is when we stay in the same position for a long time or when we fall asleep on one arm. In this situation, the signals that are produced from the skin to the brain are inhibited, which is why we feel the arm asleep. When this happens, we must stop the pressure to allow blood supply and oxygen supply.
Arm asleep from fibromyalgia
The fibromyalgia is a disorder that produces muscle aches and fatigue, and pain and tenderness in the body overall. The causes of this pathology are unknown, although some factors may be related: car accidents, recurring injuries, certain diseases, etc. One of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia is numbness in the hands and feet. Therefore, it could be another cause that answers the question “why do my hands go to sleep”.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
It is a condition in which there is excessive pressure on the median nerve present in the wrist, responsible for the sensitivity and mobility of certain parts of the hand. This condition carries different symptoms, among which are numbness, tingling, numbness and weakness of the hand and fingers.
Injury to a nerve
Another cause for which the arm falls asleep may be injury to the nerve responsible for the functions of said limb. In addition, a person with an injury to the nerve in any part of the body may also experience symptoms of numbness in other limbs. It may also be that the explanation for which the arm falls asleep is a constant pressure of the spinal nerve. In these cases, the underlying cause is a herniated disc, in which a vertebra presses on the nerve causing pain, numbness, tingling and the sensation that the arm is asleep. Other conditions such as arteriosclerosis it could also explain the cause of arm numbness, since it implies poor circulation in the arm due to hardening of the arteries and the accumulation of fat in them.
Should I go to the doctor?
If the arm falls asleep in a timely manner, as a result of pressure on it, and recovers normally when the pressure stops, in principle it is not necessary to see a doctor, since it is not a problem caused by an illness or serious disorder. However, in the event that the numbness, tingling or numbness occurs as a symptom of a disease, ailment or disorder, it will be necessary for a specialist to make a diagnosis in order to carry out the most appropriate treatment to combat the cause. And eliminate the symptoms.