How to treat an eye injury

The laceration of the ocular adnexa or the balloon is one of the most serious injuries. The blunt trauma caused by fights, car accidents and sports also result in serious damage. With regard to its treatment, there are measures to act quickly and prevent future injuries or sequel.

Steps to follow:

One. Assess visual acuity (do not do so if this requires forcing the lids open or instilling anesthesia).

Two. Inspect the eyelids for lacerations and forward displacement of the eyeball.

3. Look for deep lacerations that may involve the eyeball, large lacerations with prolapse of fat or loss of substance, lacerations that encompass the palpable margins, and lacerations that involve the noncriminal system; as they require immediate referral to an ophthalmologist.

4. Assess movements and ocular alignment with corneal reflexes.

5. Misalignment or decreased eye movement suggests the presence of an orbital wall fracture.

6. Inspect for severe conjunctiva ecchymosis and edema, corneal or scleral laceration, irregular pupil, globe deformation, or hyphema.

7. Do not force the eyelids open as this can transmit pressure to a pierced eye and cause extrusion of its contents.

8. If any of the above conditions are found or suspected, place a shield over the eye and refer the patient immediately.

9. Do not apply a pressure patch as this can transmit pressure to the eye.


  • These types of injuries must be treated quickly, which is why rapid transfer is important.
  • It should always be evaluated by an ophthalmologist.
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