How to stop sweating at night

Sweating at night at night can be embarrassing and above all uncomfortable. These episodes are caused by a sudden rise in body temperature. Sweating occurs when the clothes you are wearing and the bedding you sleep in are unable to absorb the level of heat your body is radiating. Many simple remedies such as drinking chamomile tea before going to sleep can solve your problems. If not, other conditions could be the root of your problem.

Steps to follow:

One. Fine-tune the environment where you sleep. You may want to put the air conditioning on, open a window, or buy a fan.

Two. Assess your stress level. Stress and anxiety can cause excessive sweating during sleep. If you are stressed, try reducing your stress level by delegating tasks or getting more rest. Lack of sleep can raise stress levels and cause increased anxiety.

3. Read the side effects of any prescription medicine you are taking. Night sweats are the side effects of many popular medications such as Cymbalta, Ambien, and Accutane.

4. Visit your doctor. Diseases like AIDS, breast cancer, and Crohn’s disease can cause night sweats. Be sure to tell your doctor about any other abnormalities you may be experiencing.

5. Use cotton sheets. Cotton is a breathable fabric. Use a blanket made of a finer material.

6.Change all pajamas to cotton or silk pajamas or switch from pants to shorts.

7. If you have long hair, try parting it from your neck. The hair on your neck can make you hotter and therefore sweaty at night.

8. Reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods as they can increase your internal body temperature.

9. If you are a middle-aged woman, you may experience the symptoms of menopause. Some women have menopause earlier than expected by not ruling out this possibility.

10. If night sweats are affecting your quality of sleep, your prescription medications may need to be changed.


  • To stop sweating at night, it is interesting to find a place to sleep as cool as possible.
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